Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Discovery: Chest Sequence!

One day I was looking in my adventure orders and I accidentally clicked the left chest and it gave me a rare. Previously, I did another adventure with the same order and I clicked the top right chest, and it gave me a freakin' tiara.

So, don't get angry to people when they tell you orders. Don't get angry at them when the order doesn't work. You know why? AJ has a chest sequence.

For example, when you do a certain order, then you click the top right chest, it will give you rares. It will work 5 times (either lesser or more). Then after that you should click either the top left or the bottom right chest in order to get the rares.

That's it. Now you know adventure chests have a sequence!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

KIDS ARE ASSHOLES. (Warning:Bad Language Ahead.)


Lol no I mean the toddlers and all those other seven-year olds playing in AJ. Yesterday I was in the Penguins-Only Party. Then there was this player named "yzavela" who told everybody to hop on the ice.

Obviously, the ice breaking thingy is just graphics and animation. But since they were sooo dumbasses, they told me it's real.
Just said that "Guys, it's just an animation. Don't hop. It will never work."

Then another player named "LunarStar" said that he blocked me because I don't believe it's real.
What a bitch. Then he said, "Ok I unblocked the penguin."

Out of my temper, I said, "KIDDOS ITS JUST GRAPHICS AND ANIMATIONS!!!" Then that LunarStar thing said it was a bad word. r00d.

Enough. I'm tired of all those fuckin kids.

The Cause of Your Lags.

Do you know what slows you down in the Adventures? the one that makes your game crash? makes you sooo damn slow?

Oh don't mind that Staccato intro.

It's pretty simple. Remember that clicking thing when your buddies are online? That is the cause.

Now you know. Hope this lessens your rage quit like what I do when that happens. And also hope that helps!

Cya in the next post pplz.

Monday, January 18, 2016

How To Get Suspended in AJ?

Hey guys so today I will be posting more stuff in my blog on the next few days. This will be the first blog post episode of the How To series.

Wanna get banned? It's a pretty stupid idea (ikr). But sometimes jammers do it for fun though. These are the things you should do in order to get banned.

xDxDxD infinity times.

So you must know that in order to get suspension and ban, you must say cuss and swear words to have it. But since we have nm chat problems, it will be a little difficult. Bad words to say:

-fact you beach
-you beach
-fact u beach

But not all will work. Some will give you a warning message and the others will be simply blocked.
-test icicles
-she it
-pack yo beach
-pack u beach
-ask hold

And others just tripped and escaped and will never be blocked.
-test is
-a hold
-fact off

Lolz why did I think of this idea? I dunno but whatever.

See you in the next blog post jammahs!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A New Bunny Order on the Return of the Phantoms!

So today guys I found a new bunny order in the adventure, Return of the Phantoms Hard Mode, thanks to a jammer who joined in the hosted adventure.

The new order I found is Daisy, Snowball, Jack, and Oliver.
You must click the last chest or the bottom right chest to get a rare. Hope it works! It worked for me.

Stay awesome pplz and see you in the next blog. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Non Member Rare Item Monday! (December 21, 2015)

I know that this is pretty too late but I don't really care anymore. This will be the first blog of the Non Member Rare Item Mondays. We must celebrate things that AJ gave freely to us.

"Today's rare item is going to keep paws warm all winter long... Pick up a pair of Rare Candy Cane Socks and let the Jamaalidays roll!

These Rare Candy Cane Socks sure are festive!

Jam on, don't scam on!"- Daily Explorer description of the Rare Candy Cane Socks.

So, the Rare Candy Cane Socks are actually a little in demand among non member jammers. But most of the time, they keep offering a Freedom [Top] Hat for it. But it is actually unfair. It actually deserves the recent Rare Item Mondays like the Rare Snowboarding Helmet thing or old nm RIM's like Rare Bunny Hat or Rare Patched Hat. Hope this helps Jammers!

See you in the next blog post tho. x sniff x sniff s xniff

Sky High Cheat!

Well if you don't want to watch a long YouTube video, well, you came to the right place. Getting nice stuff in Sky High is pretty tricky, but it has only one step and one rule. It's simple if you can maneuver you avatar well.

How to get nice stuff in Sky High anyway?
-Just collect less gems and you get the nice rare stuff on the go. :D

So simple. Goodbye for now jammers and see you in the next blog post.