Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Discovery: Chest Sequence!

One day I was looking in my adventure orders and I accidentally clicked the left chest and it gave me a rare. Previously, I did another adventure with the same order and I clicked the top right chest, and it gave me a freakin' tiara.

So, don't get angry to people when they tell you orders. Don't get angry at them when the order doesn't work. You know why? AJ has a chest sequence.

For example, when you do a certain order, then you click the top right chest, it will give you rares. It will work 5 times (either lesser or more). Then after that you should click either the top left or the bottom right chest in order to get the rares.

That's it. Now you know adventure chests have a sequence!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

KIDS ARE ASSHOLES. (Warning:Bad Language Ahead.)


Lol no I mean the toddlers and all those other seven-year olds playing in AJ. Yesterday I was in the Penguins-Only Party. Then there was this player named "yzavela" who told everybody to hop on the ice.

Obviously, the ice breaking thingy is just graphics and animation. But since they were sooo dumbasses, they told me it's real.
Just said that "Guys, it's just an animation. Don't hop. It will never work."

Then another player named "LunarStar" said that he blocked me because I don't believe it's real.
What a bitch. Then he said, "Ok I unblocked the penguin."

Out of my temper, I said, "KIDDOS ITS JUST GRAPHICS AND ANIMATIONS!!!" Then that LunarStar thing said it was a bad word. r00d.

Enough. I'm tired of all those fuckin kids.

The Cause of Your Lags.

Do you know what slows you down in the Adventures? the one that makes your game crash? makes you sooo damn slow?

Oh don't mind that Staccato intro.

It's pretty simple. Remember that clicking thing when your buddies are online? That is the cause.

Now you know. Hope this lessens your rage quit like what I do when that happens. And also hope that helps!

Cya in the next post pplz.

Monday, January 18, 2016

How To Get Suspended in AJ?

Hey guys so today I will be posting more stuff in my blog on the next few days. This will be the first blog post episode of the How To series.

Wanna get banned? It's a pretty stupid idea (ikr). But sometimes jammers do it for fun though. These are the things you should do in order to get banned.

xDxDxD infinity times.

So you must know that in order to get suspension and ban, you must say cuss and swear words to have it. But since we have nm chat problems, it will be a little difficult. Bad words to say:

-fact you beach
-you beach
-fact u beach

But not all will work. Some will give you a warning message and the others will be simply blocked.
-test icicles
-she it
-pack yo beach
-pack u beach
-ask hold

And others just tripped and escaped and will never be blocked.
-test is
-a hold
-fact off

Lolz why did I think of this idea? I dunno but whatever.

See you in the next blog post jammahs!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A New Bunny Order on the Return of the Phantoms!

So today guys I found a new bunny order in the adventure, Return of the Phantoms Hard Mode, thanks to a jammer who joined in the hosted adventure.

The new order I found is Daisy, Snowball, Jack, and Oliver.
You must click the last chest or the bottom right chest to get a rare. Hope it works! It worked for me.

Stay awesome pplz and see you in the next blog. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Non Member Rare Item Monday! (December 21, 2015)

I know that this is pretty too late but I don't really care anymore. This will be the first blog of the Non Member Rare Item Mondays. We must celebrate things that AJ gave freely to us.

"Today's rare item is going to keep paws warm all winter long... Pick up a pair of Rare Candy Cane Socks and let the Jamaalidays roll!

These Rare Candy Cane Socks sure are festive!

Jam on, don't scam on!"- Daily Explorer description of the Rare Candy Cane Socks.

So, the Rare Candy Cane Socks are actually a little in demand among non member jammers. But most of the time, they keep offering a Freedom [Top] Hat for it. But it is actually unfair. It actually deserves the recent Rare Item Mondays like the Rare Snowboarding Helmet thing or old nm RIM's like Rare Bunny Hat or Rare Patched Hat. Hope this helps Jammers!

See you in the next blog post tho. x sniff x sniff s xniff

Sky High Cheat!

Well if you don't want to watch a long YouTube video, well, you came to the right place. Getting nice stuff in Sky High is pretty tricky, but it has only one step and one rule. It's simple if you can maneuver you avatar well.

How to get nice stuff in Sky High anyway?
-Just collect less gems and you get the nice rare stuff on the go. :D

So simple. Goodbye for now jammers and see you in the next blog post.

Membership is Bad. (Part Two)

Now this is the second part of the Membership is Bad. Series. So this is the second reason why membership is just a waste of money.

Animal Jam is a game, isn't it? So why spend money just for a kids' game? It's not fair. Your'e actually brainwashed. Btw it is a game for toddlers.

AJ and its head quarters, AJHQ, keeps telling jammers to be fair. In trading. In playing. In everything. But do you think membership is fair? It isn't. So why be fair if the game mechanics itself is very unfair?

AJ, it doesn't make sense at all. Being fair all the time is worthless and useless.

Anyway don't tell me to shut up because you are a non-member. Lol I know you would be saying that.

Stay safe and awesome jammers! See you in the next post. Goodbye.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Wanted AJ Items So Far.

This is quite demanding however. No, no, no. I'm not forcing you. Today I would like to share my dream items in AJ.

--Freedom Collection
--All Colors of the Rare Glove
--All Colors of the Rare Fox Hat
--All Colors of the Rare Bow and Arrow
--All Colors of the Worn Blanket
--Purple Non-Rare Bow
--Waffle Cone Display
--Ice Cream Cake Freezer
--Snowman Fridge thing
--And finally a rare bunny hat lol and rare nerd and rare backpack.

Such a long list, eh? Thought so. Anyway, have a nice day jammers! (of jamaa)

Good Members.

Obviously, not all members are snobbers. There are those that end up being your buddies at some strange situations.

First Situation: She's not really my buddy, but were sorta friends. I was acting like a guard in the Dinner Party then she said, "Look at my beautifully-trimmed moustache."-Pink Sheep Excerpt.
Then she asked me, "Is it beautiful?" I said, "Yeah?" Then she was happy. We just jagged each other afterwards and I never saw her again. We are still friends tho.

Second Situation: I said in the Adventure Base Camp, "Someone plz host return phantoms hard (ik wrong grammar)." Then someone volunteered then after we did the adventure, she jagged me, "BUDDY ME." That's it. 

Third Situation: Me and other two people were left in the Trading Party. Then I traded bow with a girl member. Then, she added me.

Weird times. Weird points. What a funny life, isn't it?

Cya jammers for the next blog. Goodbye. 

Adventure Tips :) (Anti-Laggy Tips)

Hey jammers! Today I will be telling you some adventure tips.

Having a hard time on doing adventures? Here is the post to help you get started.

Basically, adventures are the start of your Animal Jam lags. When you join an adventure, it takes hours for you to load. Annoying, isn't it?

Lol follow these steps or choose the ones your'e comfortable with.

1. When you log in, click immediately to the Adventures Tab so that it won't be very laggy. Of course it depends when you have the mood for playing adventures or not.

2. Play on servers that doesn't have players at all. It depends if you can do the adventure yourself or need someone.

3. If you want other people to play with you in the adventure, do step one.

4. Play on times where your buddies are not online. One of the cause of the lags is the buddy's beeping sound. When it happens, it becomes laggy already.

5. If you can't avoid step four, then go to a place in the adventure where you can take shelter. Examples are the Bunny Burrow (Return of the Phantoms), and koala houses (Meet Cosmo).

Hope these helped. Bye for now and see you in the next blog post.

Rare Frankenstein Stuffs

Well, Frankenstein Mask is not really that common. Not really that famous and popular. Not really that VALUABLE.

Enough of that not really's. So, one time I put it in my trade list as an experiment. No one likes it. Not even a beta. Not even a normal one. It is from the Night of the Phantoms actually. Nah, they are the original colors.

So it is worth some recent Rare Item Monday Rares or some unavailable items from parties you can't visit anymore like Beta Testing and Graham's Workshop.

Happy Jammin', Jammers! Have a good time!

Phantoms Suck. Make Another Villain Instead.

Don't tell me: Why don't you just say that to AJ itself? Lol. Anyway, phantoms are so annoying. Those freakin' chasers are creeping me out! But they are not scary. Huh. Seriously, they are very redundant and so annoying. I'm tired of them!

There are Phantoms, Phantom Goops, Phantom Watchers, Phantom Corals, and Proto-Phantoms with their leader, the Phantom King. But I guess they don't have any allies. AJ SRSLY?!?!? How could they be successful if they are only one species? There are more animals than them.

AJ make another antagonist. It will make the adventure series more thrilling and amusing.

Cya later guys! Play Wild!

Membership is Bad. (Part One)

Today I will tell you why AJ's membership is bad. Don't tell in the comments: Just because you are a non-member and stuffs like that. No. This is the first reason.

Do you really want to know why?

Look, AJ doesn't even give membership to new jammers even for a WEEK unlike Club Penguin! Are they that desperate for money?!? Omg AJ. I hope you learn to clean up your mess.

Also, AJ's membership have an expiration. Are you willing to spend half a hundred dollars just for a one year membership? Even YouTubers only choose half a month membership. If we could just buy AJ's membership through gems.

I understand that they need money for their hosting, but I guess this is too much. AJ makes ways to get tons of the jammers' gems and diamonds. One example of which is the newly-created Jammer Parties. Most of the parties are useless and are not really that worth it. AJ even controls the items and the theme of the party. Ugh.

See you in the next blog post jammers! Stay safe and goodbye.

Member Snobbers.

Basically there are a lot of things and events that happened in AJ wherein members snob at us, the non-members. Of course that sucks.

Let me tell you a personal experience that happened to me as well.
-this will be updated to see the snapshots-

One day, I went to the Jam Session Party. Then there was this pricking member snow leopard. Most of the jammers danced in front, so I danced in front too. Then all of the members there were shouting stuff. I already forgot.

Then I was shocked when someone sent me a JAG (jam-a-gram). It was the snow leopard from the middle of the stage. He said, "GET OUT A HOLD! (asshole)"

I cried. No matter how I reported him many times, nothing happened. Such a fucking jammer.

Lesson: AJ will never respond to your reports.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rare Fox Hat Stuffs (Part Two)

Today we will have the continuation of the "What For Rare Fox Hat??? (Part One)" obviously. So I will tackle more about the colors and their corresponding rarities.

White- a little common among jammers, but not very much. Worth a Red Fox Hat or a Light Blue one or some rare gloves and some Rare Item Mondays that are a little worth and in demand.

Peach- also a bit common in AJ and many member and nm jammers wear this one. Worth some nice RIM's. 

Sky Blue- in demand a little. Worth some Rare Bow and Arrows or nm swords or a pink worn.

Dark Purple- the second rarest . Worth some worns or some not really rare wristbands or common beta items. And also rare bow and arrows.

That's all for now jammers. I can't really guarantee their rarities. I'm just a guy trying to get your approval. x sniff x sniff. 


Rare Fox Hat Stuffs (Part One)

Hey guys so today I will tell you the worthiness of a Rare Fox Hat. They come in various colors; they have different rarities for each.

They were in the Beta Testing and were removed immediately. They look similar to a Raccoon Hat tho. They were also in Rare Item Monday TWICE!

These are the colors and their rarities/worth:

Orange- the most common one. Worth a Rare Bow and Arrow or some other nice rares that are medium in demand.

Dark Blue- the rarest fox hat of all. Worth rare den betas or some worns or rare bow and arrows.

Pink- high in demand even if not really so rare. Worth another Fox Hat color (eg. red, etc.) and a black pirate sword!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Rare Backpack Stuffs

Like the Rare Nerd Glasses, the Rare Backpack is also one of the most wanted Rare Item Mondays (RIM's). So what is really the Rare Backpack worth?

-drum roll-

Basically, a member jammer has a rare backpack in his/her list. Then I asked him what is it worth. He/She said he/she wants either a red, blue, or a white fox hat for it. But I guess that's not worth it.


The Rare Backpack is a common clothing among jammers. It is also common in the trade list of jammers. And it fits best with a Rare Nerd Glasses and a Candy Cane Tie.

So it is really worth a fox hat, but this time either the peach one or the orange one.

Cya Jammers for another blog!

A New Glitch?!?!?!

So today guys I found an AJ glitch. When I opened the site which is https://animaljam.com/home, the email I used for the parent's dashboard showed up there. I tried to go to Google Chrome's Manage Passwords the accounts and their respective passwords were still there. I was shocked and nothing happened no matter how many times I reloaded.

I hope AJ will fix this damn glitch.

Happy Jammin' tho Jammers!

More Bunny Orders!!!

So today guys I will be telling you more bunny orders that I know so far but the previous blog post really works well for me.

1. Snowball, Jack, Oliver, Daisy.
2. Oliver, Snowball, Daisy, Jack
3. Jack, Snowball, Daisy, Oliver
4. Daisy, Jack, Oliver,Snowball
5. Snowball, Daisy, Jack, Oliver

Most of the orders give rares by clicking the top right chest. But I got a black worn when I clicked the top left chest! It depends on you. Rely on your instinct anyway.

But remember, they don't work all the time tho. O,O

Happy Jammin' Guys!

New Diamond Shop Item!!!

Today AJ also released a new den that can be bought in the Diamond Shop. It is called the Winter Palace. Members can buy it now for only seven diamonds!

I just wish that AJ will soon release a den from the Diamond Shop for nm's. Why is AJ just a bit unfair??? lol

Rare Nerd Glasses Stuffs

One day I traded my black worn and then someone asked me what for it. Then I said, "Glitched Nerd Glasses." Then after that I got a Nerd then showed it off (lolz srsly). Then someone traded me a head feather for it and I accepted. I regret trading it but I actually need two for me and my friend. If you could gift her the user is girlygames19. On January 25 she will be a member.

So guys the Rare Nerd Glasses is worth a pale blue worn or a black worn.
The Glitched is worth a long wristband.

Happy Jammin' Guys!

How To Get Rich In Animal Jam?

So currently I have more than 300,000 gems even though I did not use any gem certificates or something. I never became a member as well. So how did this happen? (lol why i am asking this to you lolz xD)

So these are the steps.

1. During your "new jammer days", don't spend a lot of your gems. They will serve as your             foundation.

2. Play Best Guess Game if possible. This really helped me a lot! I got 1000-7000 gems in one game! Don't worry if you get wrong most of the time. I also underwent that. If you play always, you will   soon memorize the answers.

3. Then don't spend a lot of items! You're wasting your money.

4. Play Sky High, Jamaa Derby, and Best Dressed! You can also play games that has Double Gems.   You can identify it when there is a symbol "Gems x2" on the game thumbnail.

5. Lastly, play Adventures! Even though they don't give you 1000 gems immediately, they can give you more than 1000 gems in a single gameplay!

That's all for now Jammers. See you in the next blog post!

New Diamond Shop Den Item!!!

Today guys I will be telling you something about the newly released claw from AJ. It is called the Lion Claw! Sadly, it is a members-only item. You can buy it now for three diamonds!!!

I damn hate it when things are released for members only. AJ IS A RACIST OMG!!! lolz they are discriminators. bad guys.

Return of the Phantoms Hard Mode Bunny Order!!!

Hey guys! Today I will tell you something about the Return of the Phantoms. Obviously, many jammers don't know the order so here I will tell you two orders.

The first one is Jack, Snowball, Oliver, and Daisy.
You could get rares here but sadly, they are not really that worth.
What it gave me: Peach/Orange Rare Bow and Arrow
                            Pink Rare Frankenstein Mask
                            Freedom Helmet
                            Freedom Bands
In order to get things like these, you should click the bottom right chest.

The next one is Jack, Daisy, Oliver, and Snowball.
It was accidentally made by a guy and me that played Return of the Phantoms randomly.
I don't really know. I'm speechless with the items I got.
What it gave me: Pink Rare Fox Hat
                            Freedom Bands
                            Rare Scary Cat Hat
                            Freedom Wings
                            Rare Lei
But in this order you must click the top right chest.  

But take note guys, these might not work all the time. It works like 75% below.